My two childhood friends from Mexico came to visit this summer to attend my wedding and my heart felt complete! I was so happy to show them the beautiful place we call home.
Susi was the first one to arrive and we went to Surly Brewery where we had a very interesting conversation about the exchange of alcohol between Mexico and the US during the prohibition. I'm glad we're not in those times anymore.
Later we hit Transmission Night along with other friends. This is one of my favorite events in the Twin Cities (I now feel so betrayed after the news of Club Jäger)
Next day with Guillermo arriving to the MSP airport we went to Mall of America. Sometimes as a now local I forget what an incredible place this is. C'mon there's a theme park with crazy rides inside of a mall! We of course also did a little bit of shopping as we have to take advantage that there's no tax on clothing.
After a bunch of wedding errands and my friend deserved more Minnesota fun, so we went to Betty Danger's and Can Can Wonderland. We had already begun the day with a theme park, so might as well finish it with a quirky ride and game.
They were the biggest help the days before and the day of the wedding. Honestly, we couldn't have made it without them.
The day after the wedding we celebrated friendship the Minnesota way, by showing them the lake life.
we did some tubing, bathed in the sun and chilled (we deserved it!).
One of my favorite places in the Twin Cities is St. Anthony Main and the Stone Arch bridge.
This whole area is absolutely gorgeous and quite unique. The amazing contrast of new and old is very representative of the Twin Cities.
The sun setting under the Mississippi River was a reflection of the beautiful ending that was about to come.
Gracias hermanos del alma, me dieron días de felicidad que llenaron mi corazón con energía y amor que jamás voy a olvidar. Fuimos tan felices.