Traveling Stepmom

At age eight I knew who my favorite Disney princess was: Belle. She was a smart bookworm, beautiful and the first brunette to be featured... and she didn't have a sad life due to a wicked stepmother like Snow White or Cinderella. Those stories depressed me a little.
So in my fairy tale I was the adventurous smart princess... princess after all, right? Little did I know that in the future I'd interpret the Stepmom character. This was my time to redesign the concept of the word 'Stepmom', to change what Disney had made me believe.

Falling in love with my partner's kids was easy. Next stage wasn't as much as I'd been single most of your life.  But I now understand that my life is more like a mix-tape than a fairy tale, where schedules, tastes, and personalities blend together through beats of love. And in that mix I had to integrate my passion for traveling.

  • The difference between my last trip as a female solo traveler and as a stepmom of two:
    I'm not gonna lie, the freedom of traveling solo is F-ing amazing! Though unfortunately, at least for me, it comes with a constant sense of anxiety to share all the amazing things one bumps into, which gets a little anesthetized through social media.
    On my trip with kids, this anxiety was way lower. Moments were being shared and I was seeing things through their eyes, as if it was the first time. 

I'll never forget when we turned on the radio in Mexico and our little girl asked: Why is everything in Mexican?  I cracked up! And I want to keep on cracking up with them around the world and let this new stage be the best journey of my life!
